
UFC legend Anderson Silva in LA Police Academy

Former UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva is busy rehabbing his injured leg but that hasn't stopped him from pursuing another passion project of his - training to become a police officer. The MMA legend told Folha de Sao Paulo in a recent interview that, while he doesn't plan to work as an officer upon completion of his training, Silva is attending police academy in his home of Los Angeles.

"I train every morning, take my kids to school and go to the police school," he said, in a translation by Guilherme Cruz.�

"I?m studying at the Los Angeles School Police Department. I?m studying to become a police officer."

Silva said that he has many family members who are police officers, including a beloved uncle who raised him. Silva wants to honor that uncle by completing police academy.

"It?s a personal wish, something that will make my uncle happy," Silva said.

"He thought it was a little weird that I?m not doing this here [in Brazil], but it wasn?t the right time. My brothers are police officers, my nephews are police officers. It?s a family thing."

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