Brock Lesnar dominated Cagewriter's Facebook page this week, as many, many, many people had opinions on the big man's return to professional wrestling. You also shared your thoughts on who Junior dos Santos should face in place of Alistair Overeem, autograph encounters and opinions on a certain freak show fight. If you want to join in on Reader Rants, like Cagewriter on Facebook and comment on our posts.
Readers thought the planned bout between Bob Sapp and Mariusz Pudzianowski would be interesting to watch.
Neither one can actually fight. Whoever runs outta gas first loses! -- Leslie Stapleton
See Bob Sapp either A) tap out due to strikes before 1 min. or B) have him claim injury after 1 min ....ALL DAY! :P -- Sohrob Kohistani
Most readers thought that Rashad Evans handled the fan asking for an autograph of his KOed picture well.
Rashad handled it alright, I mean he could have just told him to go away but in the moment that is just disrespectful. I've gotten a bunch and everyone is cool but nicest guys had to be Bisping and Pulver. They're just great to their fans. -- Gabriel Martinez
A fan or someone trying to get a reaction out of him while being recorded? Hmmmmm. -- Nate Bear
With Alistair Overeem likely out of UFC 146, several fans started a campaign to get Mark Hunt the title shot. Some Cagereaders agreed on Hunt, while others wanted to see Frank Mir or Cain Velasquez.
As fun of a story as Hunt would be, it doesn't make sense from a competition or business standpoint. Mir is the only real logical choice to move up. -- Ryan Wahl
Frank Mir is the only one highly enough rated to do it, who didn't fight him last time. It will be Mir, though I would like to see Mark Hunt win one more big fight to get a shot. -- Andrew Conner
The last thing Dana and us UFC fans want is a 30 sec KO like JDS did to Cain, make a co-main event. Hell, if you don't want to get all political, put Mir vs. Cain as co-main event with Hunt vs. JDS (non-belt) that way win or lose JDS will fight winner of Mir vs. Cain, and when Hunt KO's JDS, Hunt will fight the winner of JDS vs. MIr or Cain. This I know for sure, Hunt vs. JDS will sell. -- Amosa Wes
Either give Velasquez a shot to redeem himself, or let Mir get hits wits knocked in... Either way, I'm going to be sitting on the edge of my seat! Hunt is good by all means, but Co-Main Event is his spot for sure. dos Santos will have a war on his hands with the likes of Velasquez and Mir, which will give the fans a better Main Event. Still got love for Hunt though, don't get me wrong. But I wouldn't mind seeing another bloody face Mir get pulverised. -- Nathan Kight
Both fighters will make a goood event I think, but then again it would be 2 different fights. With Hunt it will be more of a slug fest, pound for pound as for Mir it would be more of a strategical fight. I think Mir should have to win his fight against Cain to prove he is ready for another title shot -- Torrey Romanko
And now, for the big man. Lesnar has inspired strong opinions from the second he stepped foot in the cage. That didn't stop this week as hundreds of comments were made on Facebook and in the comment section.
Some fans don't want to see him in WWE because they wanted him to stay in MMA. Others thought he "failed" at MMA. If winning and defending the UFC heavyweight belt while also battling a debilitating gastrointestinal condition is failing, I hope to be a failure like Lesnar one day.
What is WWE doing? Is there NOT enough CURRENT WWE superstars? First let's bring back the Rock and now Lesnar. WHY! ? Like Cena said in one his many speeches to the Rock he has been performing for over 10 years & NEVER left. Why are these former WWE performers returning? -- Terasia J. Conigliaro- Allensworth
I love how Lesnar is back in WWE. I was gonna stop watching it until he showed up. he started in WWE and will end in WWE. Okay if he started his career in UFC when he was younger it would be different. but now that hes back i cant wait to watch next weeks raw!! I'm a fan of both WWE and UFC. -- Curtis Kelly
He is the stereotypical bully. As long as things are going his way its all good, but let him get his butt kicked and he tucks his tail and runs. He thought he was too good for the WWE in the past and now that hes no longer the big man in UFC he returns to WWE. He should just crawl under a rock somewhere and hide. -- Glenda Cannon Pamplin
I'd like to see any one of you haters talk smack to Brock Lesnar's face! ll you haters too watched everyone of of his UFC fights because he was an amazing fighter! He's 265 pounds of muscle and was as fast as a middle weight, as soon as the bell rung he gave one hundred and ten percent. That's why you know Brock Lesnar's name and that's why we have no idea who you haters are. -- JJ Anhorn