The UFC is inextricably linked to gambling. Owners Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta also own Station Casinos, and several of the promotions biggest events took place in Las Vegas casinos. Soon, you'll be able to see fighters as you gamble your millions away on online slot machines.
SportsBusiness Journal reports that the UFC struck a deal with Endemol, a company that creates online slot machines. Though the deal will only be in the United Kingdom to start, they're hoping to expand to more places where online gaming is legal.
"Everybody wants to make money, but even more important than that, this is a great extension of our brand," Lawrence Epstein, UFC executive vice president said.
I can't wait to see how this turns out. If you hit the jackpot, does Dana White come on to congratulate you? If you bet conservatively, does he ask, "Do you want to be a [expletive] fighter?" When you bust, does an Anderson Silva punch come at your monitor?